
Summer Meditation - Feeling Into Agitation, Anger + Joy

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Happy Late Spring/Early Summer Yogi(ni)s,

I just recorded my latest mediation offering on how to allow intense emotions, feelings and frustrations move through us. I've been noticing this a lot lately in classes. As we move into the summer season we can easily waiver between feeling light and fun and frankly just pissed off.

This practice will actually allow you to eventually move toward joy. There are no shortcuts! We often want to think our way through emotions, and process the stories over and over again. But at some point we have to allow these emotions, and even the pain be felt - in order to move through it and get on the other side.

This time of the year in particular I notice my anger start to flare up more, and my passions too. Especially when it seems like everything is falling apart. This is a cue into what you care about, and our work is to not push aside these emotions. How do we dance with them? And let it all change us, and bring us closer to ourselves?